Inaugural Work Design Congress – Draft Agenda


20-21 November 2024, Sydney


Integrating organisational psychology into the design of work

  • Integrating new tools and discoveries from the psychology of good work design
  • Harmonising work design strategies with existing organisational strategies
  • Engaging organisational psychology experts to improve work design
  • Leveraging psychological principles to design work better


Adapting your work design approach to new expectations and regulations

  • Transforming your work design strategy in line with new HR and safety regulations
  • Ensuring your organisation keeps pace with emerging work design innovations
  • Adjusting workflow across all business functions to promote good work design
  • Exceeding all expectations across the organisation with thoughtful work deign


Collaborating with other organisations in the implementation of work design

  • Identifying key organisations which can support effective work design
  • Ensuring external providers deliver effective and sustainable design changes
  • Designing work productively with regulators, unions, and other external stakeholders
  • Utilising resources and guidance on work design from other organisations


Embedding your work design strategy within an effective change management framework

  • Managing the typical change management pain points in work design
  • Preparing for the particular challenges for change management around work design
  • Evaluating success of change management strategies after redesigning work
  • Involving all relevant stakeholders in any work design changes


Designing engaging and rewarding jobs for your teams

  • Providing diverse and interesting tasks for workers at all levels of the business
  • Monitoring for indicators of disengagement with job tasks
  • Encouraging creative thinking to problem solving in ongoing work
  • Providing opportunities for individuals to vary their tasks and build new skills


Enabling your employees to engage in effective job crafting

  • Ensuring workers feel safe to take ownership over their tasks
  • Encouraging your teams to personalise their work environment
  • Exploring ways in which perceptions of jobs can be developed
  • Working cooperatively to design a workplace which brings out the best in each team




Updating role descriptions regularly for the changing demands of the future

  • Balancing reflexive language and clear expectations in initial job descriptions
  • Identifying when a role description must be updated to reflect new duties
  • Consulting with workers and teams to ensure responsibilities and policy is clear
  • Managing team dynamics based on role descriptions and working styles


Upskilling leaders to provide useful feedback and guidance for their teams

  • Factoring personality styles into hiring for leadership positions
  • Providing effective upskilling around work design for all leaders
  • Building a culture of effective communication and psychological safety
  • Ensuring consistent and fair performance management


Providing your workforce with a sense of ownership over their tasks

  • Delegating some level of decision-making authority to all employees
  • Rewarding initiative and engagement within task completion
  • Identifying the risks of excessive oversight on worker agency
  • Providing opportunities for team members to schedule their tasks autonomously


Implementing flexible work within the future of organisational processes

  • Establishing the level of flexibility within your diverse business units
  • Supporting all members of your workforce to self-manage their responsibilities
  • Preparing your organisation for an increasingly flexible working environment
  • Utilising flexible work arrangements to improve overall wellbeing and performance


Extending a reasonable level of autonomy to all members of your workforce

  • Identifying opportunities to support job autonomy
  • Creating a sense of ownership within inflexible work tasks
  • Encouraging a sense of shared identity between your workforce and the organisation
  • Extending trust to workers to self-manage in the increasingly flexible workplace


Promoting a cohesive and mutually supportive organisational culture

  • Identifying opportunities to provide social support to your team members
  • Engaging your teams in the internal and external significance of their tasks
  • Empowering employees to drive bottom-up team building initiatives
  • Encouraging senior leaders to engage with the rest of the business


Implementing job design changes based on feedback from your teams

  • Determining the appropriate communication style for each of your business areas
  • Collecting useful feedback without task or information overload
  • Signalling organisational openness to accommodate feedback in work design
  • Achieving enthusiastic buy-in for senior leaders on job design changes


Supporting line managers to perfect work design within their teams

  • Ensuring supervisors understand the key principles of good work design
  • Involving managers in regular discussions to improve work design in their teams
  • Extending the principles of good work design to managers themselves
  • Balancing diversity of teams with a coherent whole-of-business work design strategy


Mitigating the risk of burnout and overwork with tolerable demands

  • Identifying pain points where there is a high risk of burnout in your teams
  • Constructing a preventative strategy to manage the risk of overwork
  • Managing team workload and hours collaboratively between supervisors, leaders, and employees
  • Creating strong relationships of trust and psychological safety in the workplace
  • Moderating the emotional, psychological, and physical demands of daily work


Ensuring job demands are reasonable and are mitigated with effective support

  • Equipping direct supervisors with strategies to monitor work intensity in their teams
  • Planning reasonable time pressure and expectations for each individual
  • Providing consistent and productive instructions to employees and teams
  • Reinforcing support systems with wellbeing services and programs
  • Striking a balance between job demands and job positives


Panel Discussion:
Bridging the gaps in work design between HR, safety, OD, and other functions

  • Designing work across the differing perspectives and goals of each business function
  • Adjusting your collaborative approach to the unique features of each organisation
  • Transforming work design to support key objectives across business functions
  • Achieving senior leadership support for cross-departmental work design programs


Implementing effective work design strategies from a project management perspective

  • Assessing the advantages and weaknesses of project management in work design
  • Ensuring ongoing work design projects align with broader strategic objectives
  • Managing a team with multiple ongoing work design projects
  • Identifying business units and functions best suited to manage work design projects


Achieving senior leadership buy-in for your work design strategy

  • Communicating the importance of good work design
  • Leveraging examples of successful work design in other organisations
  • Emphasising positive impacts of good work design on productivity and wellbeing
  • Maximising the effectiveness of resource spend on work design initiatives
  • Demonstrating the success of work design strategies for ongoing leadership buy-in


Communicating your work design strategy effectively with leaders and staff

  • Explaining work design concepts accessibly in whole-of-business communications
  • Adapting your communication style based on your audience
  • Relating concepts in work design to existing strategies and practices
  • Supporting leaders to acclimate their teams around work design changes

National Public Sector Fraud and Corruption Congress – Draft Agenda

13th National Public Sector Fraud and Corruption Congress – Draft Agenda

13-14 September 2023, Melbourne


Producing an organisational culture with a strong counter fraud emphasis

  • Evaluating if your counter-fraud approach is sufficiently mature for lasting culture change
  • Making your code of conduct easily accessible for employees, leaders, and contractors
  • Developing relationships with each business function as a counter-fraud professional
  • Nominating fraud control representatives on multiple levels of leadership and seniority
  • Prompting reliable feedback from staff on the health of your organisational culture


Communicating the significance of fraud and corruption risks to your organisation

  • Utilising evidence-based communications techniques in agency-wide awareness campaigns
  • Enabling open dialogue about organisational ethics and employee-employer relationships
  • Targeting active and enthusiastic fraud awareness and diligence in your organisation
  • Discouraging potential fraudsters from ultimately engaging in misconduct
  • Distributing information about active fraud investigations and safe reporting platforms


Panel Discussion:
Constructing an effective fraud reporting culture in times of uncertainty

  • Building mutual trust within your organisation as a fraud professional
  • Developing reliable fraud reporting systems with increased uptake
  • Navigating concerns around organisational privacy and retaliation
  • Distinguishing your approach to whistleblowing from other organisations


Designing fraud and corruption training programs that stick

  • Avoiding common mistakes in counter-fraud training initiatives
  • Tailoring your learning and development content to your participants
  • Ensuring that lessons from your training programs reverberate long-term
  • Achieving value for your investment in fraud control training
  • Reviewing fraud knowledge levels regularly in your organisation


Marrying fraud and corruption controls with lasting positive outcomes

  • Leveraging existing policy, resources, and processes to support new initiatives
  • Developing a clear and enforceable code of conduct familiar to all employees
  • Testing fraud controls rigorously along a pre-established schedule
  • Establishing regularly reviewed policy frameworks and fraud risk tolerance levels
  • Engaging with fraud consultants and regulators, with detailed documentation and reporting


Equipping your line management to control integrity and security risks

  • Embedding integrity and diligence into standard practice for line managers
  • Mitigating the fraud risks inherent in employee-supervisor relationships
  • Developing targeted counter-fraud training programmes for direct supervisors
  • Building communicative relationships between line managers and senior leadership


Preventing fraud and corruption from a risk management perspective

  • Utilising contemporary risk management techniques and strategies within fraud control
  • Conducting fraud risk assessments in accordance with industry standards and regulations
  • Designing a dedicated risk management approach for each of your high-risk areas
  • Adapting risk assessment outcomes to guide organisational policy response


Conducting effective investigations into potential fraud and misconduct

  • Identifying common fraud red flags in your available data
  • Accessing interagency support for complex investigations into misconduct
  • Practicing appropriate interview and intelligence gathering strategies
  • Determining next steps after successfully identifying misconduct in investigation


Designing your organisational fraud control strategy for improved detection

  • Collecting and storing detailed information from all business functions
  • Utilising tip-offs and protected disclosures to direct further investigation
  • Strengthening your identification outcomes with automated detection testing
  • Applying good sense in discerning between false positives and potential incidents


Conducting modern counter-fraud data analysis in practice

  • Centring key principles in the sampling of organisational data
  • Navigating confidentiality restrictions and other barriers to access
  • Conducting a typical data analysis for fraud control outcomes
  • Detailing each step of the data analysis process for a fraud control professional


Minimising organisational vulnerability to cybersecurity breaches

  • Collaborating with IT professionals to defend against modern digital threats
  • Promoting a cyber aware culture throughout the organisation
  • Implementing software and policies to reduce risk of cyber attacks
  • Designing a cybersecurity system with minimal disruption to business functions
  • Minimising the fallout following a successful breach of your cybersecurity


Developing advanced cybersecurity strategies in a climate of insecurity

  • Considering the lessons learnt from recent data breaches in major organisations
  • Identifying the typical motivations and behaviours of digital fraudsters
  • Rebuilding your organisation after a serious cybersecurity incident
  • Designing your business structure around modern cybersecurity principles


Improving counter-fraud and anticorruption interagency collaboration

  • Approaching other agencies to develop collaborative counter-fraud strategies
  • Minimising siloing of intelligence and fraud control techniques in the public sector
  • Contacting specialist agencies to facilitate your interagency fraud control strategy
  • Intercepting fraudsters across jurisdictions, industries, and networks


Determining appropriate disciplinary consequences for internal fraudsters

  • Establishing a ‘zero tolerance’ expectation for fraudulent conduct in your organisation
  • Designing organisational policy and employee contracts for compliant disciplinary responses
  • Balancing the severity of punishment with mitigating factors and offender wellbeing
  • Managing broader workforce reactions to post-fraud disciplinary measures


Determining the significance of Artificial Intelligence in the modern counter-fraud landscape

  • Comparing the threats and advantages of AI technology for fraud professionals
  • Identifying the limitations of current AI technology for professionals and belligerents
  • Utilising artificial intelligence in systematic analysis of large datasets
  • Navigating the ethical risks of AI technologies with regular process reviews
  • Forecasting the role of AI in the future of fraud and corruption


Confronting corruption and fraud risks throughout the procurement process

  • Embedding distributed accountability processes in procurement and accounting
  • Improving fraud controls around value for money and tender bidding
  • Refining invoicing and record-keeping procedures to aid investigations
  • Conducting regular audits of procurement controls and records
  • Identifying achievable ‘first steps’ to transform procurement fraud risk management


Utilising modern technology in the management of public sector fraud and corruption

  • Preventing fraud with sophisticated identification and security
  • Leveraging data analysis and automated testing software to detect fraud risks
  • Empowering your investigations with case management and fact-finding tools
  • Anticipating steps to recover funds and discipline offenders with management technologies
  • Defending against advanced fraudsters utilising similar technology in attacks


Evaluating the common characteristics of the modern fraudster

  • Contrasting historic fraud with fraudulent conduct today
  • Concentrating fraud risk management strategies around typical motivators of misconduct
  • Embedding behavioural red flags in fraud detection strategies
  • Formulating fraud investigatory actions based on standard offender responses


Evaluating the role of the new National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC)

  • Assessing the role of the new federal regulator in state jurisdictions
  • Evaluating the investigative powers of the NACC by law
  • Identifying the appropriate regulatory body for a given incident
  • Developing organisational fraud control processes in a new regulatory environment


Achieving executive buy-in for adequate fraud control resourcing and support

  • Presenting the business case for fraud and corruption controls
  • Developing cost-efficient and evidence-based proposals for fraud programs
  • Outlining the importance of fraud control efficiently to senior leaders
  • Demonstrating visible investment in fraud control to deter would-be offenders

Infrastructure Investment Australia Summit 2016

2nd Annual Infrastructure Investment Australia Summit

Sydney, 18 August 2016

After the success of our inaugural event in 2015, it is with great pleasure that we launch the 2nd Annual Infrastructure Investment Australia Summit to be held in Sydney on 18 August 2016.

Facing the complex and low yield market, many investors are actively looking for effective strategies to overcome the challenges of high pricing and limited supply of infrastructure projects.

This summit comes at a critical time to gather forward-thinking and experienced infrastructure investors to explore innovative approaches to survive and thrive in this dynamic investment environment. Join over 120 infrastructure investors for unparalleled peer to peer networking opportunities with industry leaders and key decision makers in the infrastructure investment world.

Our excellent panel of speakers will delve into:

  • Establishing a clear pipeline for infrastructure projects
  • Overcoming difficulties with valuation for infrastructure assets
  • In-depth analysis of valuation techniques
  • Implementing effective risk management strategies for a successful infrastructure project
  • Efficiently deploying capital to projects
  • Comparing infrastructure investment with other asset classes in portfolio construction
  • The gap between listed and unlisted infrastructure

Early confirmed speakers include:

Ross Etherington, Chief Investment Officer, Energy Industries Superannuation Scheme

Lianne Buck, Head of Direct Investments and Infrastructure, NSW Treasury Corporation

Lisa Wade, Head of Community Assets, Bendigo Superannuation

Bill Hartnett, Head of Sustainability, Local Government Super

Richard Allan, Executive Manager Investment Advice, Group Investments, Suncorp

Michael Chien, Senior Investment Analyst, LUCRF Super

Mark Hector, Portfolio Manager, Infrastructure, First State Super

Join us for this unique opportunity to shape the future of the infrastructure investment market with other industry leaders.

Please click here to see the agenda.

Don’t miss out, register now:


Call: +612 9279 2608

Fax: +612 8212 8147

Level 12, George St, Sydney NSW 2000

Agenda – FX Australia

4th Annaul FX Australia Congress

26 November 2015

8.30 Registration
9.00 Opening remarks from the chair
9.10 Economic outlook for global FX markets
  • Assessing current state of Australian economy
  • The impact of interest rates on FX rate
  • Discussing large moves in international financial markets and the associated increased volatility
  • Opportunities and challenges ahead in FX markets
Gabby Hajj, Economist, NSW Treasury Corporation
9.55 Australian dollar (AUD) movement and forecast
  • Analysing the factors affecting the movement of AUD
  • What is the impact of changing interest rates on AUD?
  • Predicting developments of AUD in the coming six months
Speaker to be confirmed
10.40 Morning Coffee
11.10 Panel discussion: The increasing important role of Chinese renminbi (RMB)
  • What are the new developments of RMB and its impact on the market?
  • What are the steps taken by Chinese authority to internationalise RMB?
  • Discussing offshore trading for RMB
Wesley W.P. Kong, Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities, Haitong International Securities (HK)
11.55 Discovering the opportunities and risks of emerging market currencies
  • Analysing volatility of emerging market currencies
  • Strong USD’s impact on emerging market currencies
  • Recent trends of foreign direct investment flows and their impact on currency markets
  • Implementing strategies to incorporate and position FX in emerging market equities and bonds
  • Discussing currencies in developing markets
Speaker to be confirmed
12.40 Lunch
13.40 Implementing effective FX hedging strategies
  • Analysing risk exposure and risk tolerance
  • Exploring active hedging strategies
  • How would you define your hedging ratio and policy?
  • Choosing the best currency hedging strategies for your organisation
Stuart Simmons, Senior Portfolio Manager, FX, QIC
14.25 Treasurers panel discussion: Corporate treasury management and currency correlation management
  • Discussing the role of FX within treasury
  • Currency correlation management vs. USD
  • Currency correlation management vs. commodity prices
  • Setting benchmark FX rates in corporate treasury management
Isham Nilar, Treasury Risk Manager, Qantas

Vincent Chin, Head of Treasury, Goodman

Shaun Egelton, Corporate Treasurer, Ricegrowers Limited

15.10 Afternoon tea
15.40 Panel discussion: Is FX an asset class in its own?
  • Discussing the role of FX within treasury
  • Currency correlation management vs. USD
  • Currency correlation management vs. commodity prices
  • Setting benchmark FX rates in corporate treasury management
Lloyd Alty, Head of Currency & Head of Research for Fixed Income, Macquarie Funds Management

Ronan Walsh, Portfolio Manager of Fixed Interest, VicSuper

16.20 Managing FX exposure in your portfolio to take active positions
  • Understanding the importance of currency as a rising market
  • Analysing the unique features/characteristics of the FX market comparing to other asset classes
  • What are the benefits and opportunities for investors?
  • Choice of currency management style
  • Can manager add value to the portfolio?
Speaker to be confirmed 
17.00 End of conference


Sydney agenda

WHS Law – Sydney, 29 October 2015

8.30 Registration
9.00 Opening remarks from the chair
9.10 Managing workplace bullying and harassment
  • Bullying and harassment jurisdiction updates
  • Developing effective bullying policies and procedures in your organisation
  • Preventing and responding to bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • Meeting employers’ duties to manage the risks of workplace bullying
Jeremy Limpens, Managing Director, Jeremy Limpens Consulting
  • Managing employees’ fitness for duty
  • Identifying the inherent requirements of a position
  • What evidence is required of an employee’s fitness for duty?
  • How fitness for duty interacts with the performance improvement/performance management process?
  • Effective management of employment terminations on the basis of fitness for duty
Sina Mostafavi, Senior Associate, People + Culture Strategies
10.40 Morning Coffee
11.10 Effective performance management in your workplace
  • Managing under performance and poor conduct
  • Mitigating the legal risks associated with performance management
  • Hallmarks of successful performance management
Carlie Holt, Partner, Work Health and Safety Law, Sparke Helmore
11.55 Preventing psychological injuries from a corporate perspective
  • What are the employer’s duty of care responsibilities under workplace and safety legislation
  • Developing integrated mental health strategies for the workplace – policies, systems and people capabilities
  • Primary, Secondary and Tertiary intervention approaches
  • Identifying and mitigating psychosocial hazards
David Burroughs, Principal Psychologist and Managing Director, CommuniCorp Group
12.40 Lunch
13.40 Managing injured employees and facilitating return to work
  • Supporting injured employees after injury happens
  • Communicating effectively with injured employees
  • Dealing with the process for different types of injury claims
  • Implementing effective return to work programs
Trent Forno, Partner, Minter Ellison
14.25 Strategic workplace dispute resolution
  • Understanding the procedures and processes for resolving workplace issues
  • Determining which procedure to apply
  • Third party involvement in the resolution of disputes
Jonathan Wright, Director and Principal, Workdynamic Australia
15.10 Afternoon tea
15.40 Effective lawful termination of employment
  • What are the employers’ rights to terminate employees that endanger themselves or other workers?
  • How to lawfully investigate an allegation of unsafe conduct and make the decision to terminate?
  • Understanding employees’ unfair dismissal right in these circumstances
  • How does this interact with the statutory obligation to maintain a safe workplace?
Trent Forno, Partner, Minter Ellison
  • OHS incident response and crisis management
  • Understanding and prioritising actions needed to be taken in the first 24 hours
  • Strategies to respond to emergency services, safety regulators, unions, HSR’s and media
  • Scoping the internal investigation and communicating with employees, family, clients and insurers
  • Strategies to return operations to normal in a timely manner
Cormack Dunn, Special counsel, Herbert Smith Freehills
17.00 End of conference