9th Public Sector Executive Assistant Congress draft agenda

Canberra, 30-31 October 2024

Draft agenda

Day One

08.30   Registration

09.00   Chair’s opening remarks

09.10 Keynote address: 

Leading to promote inspiration, motivation, change, and growth

  • Sharing a clear vision to map a pathway to achievement
  • Being realistic about the capacity to achieve objectives
  • Communicating your enthusiasm to inspire action
  • Aligning team aspirations with the organisation’s goals

Stay tuned for an announcement very soon about our exciting keynote!

10.10 Building your network to support success

  • Developing high levels of trust and reputation to enhance your personal value
  • Sharing with and learning from your network to be the ‘early adapter’
  • Strengthening your social capital and your influence through your network
  • Leveraging your network’s talents to enhance your expertise

Corrie Fitch, Organisational Designer, Fitch Consulting

10.55 Morning tea

11.20 Increasing your influence to lead as an Executive Assistant

  • Developing trust by promoting your integrity and reliability
  • Being the First Follower or Force Multiplier to amplify power and influence
  • Sharpening your strategic approach and business acumen
  • Building good relationships across the team to foster commitment to goals and objectives

Anne Lyons, Director and Founder, Challenge Your Thinking

12.00 PANEL – Leveraging high-level administrative skills to change direction

  • Knowing your ‘why’ to inform the desire for change
  • Identifying your toolbox of skills and how they will support career change
  • Evaluating your transferrable skills against desired role descriptions
  • Demonstrating your broader expertise by showcasing adaptable skills to leverage opportunities

Rachael Koorey, Executive Assistant to Pat Sowry – Office of the First Assistant Secretary – Infrastructure Division, Department of Defence

Linda Viskovic, Senior Executive Assistant, Australian Public Service

LJ (Laura-Jane) Bourne, Executive Officer, Australian Financial Security Authority

Tamara Hull, Project Manager, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority

12.45 Lunch

13.45 Becoming strategic as an Executive Assistant

  • Understanding what it takes to be strategic
  • Developing a managerial mindset
  • Managing your executive’s mindset to foster ready acceptance of your inputs
  • Strengthening business skills with training to create growth opportunities

Savannah Lukic, EA to First Assistant Secretary, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts

14.25 Understanding work design to improve efficiency

  • Identifying work demands to create a better work environment
  • Understanding different working styles to incorporate in work design
  • Designing work to encourage efficiency, collaboration, and collegiality
  • Demonstrating the value of good work design by walking the walk

Louise Carter, Principal Consultant and Organisational Change Management Lead, Chalfont Consulting

15.05 Afternoon tea

15.30 Understanding emerging technologies to improve productivity – an overview

  • Evaluating various software and apps to manage your workload
  • Streamlining expense reconciliation, capturing financial documents, and integrating tracking and reporting
  • Building visually appealing presentations, infographics, and visual content
  • Producing better engagement and outcomes through communication strategies, tailored writing styles, and rephrasing content

Speaker to be confirmed

16.10 SENIOR EXECUTIVE PANEL – Meeting expectations – how does my Executive Assistant do this?

  • Knowing your Executive to act as them when needed
  • Forward planning, problem-solving and communicating to prevent obstacles
  • Using great interpersonal skills to build stakeholder relationships and improve office culture
  • Mapping processes to meet deadlines

Lisa La Rance, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Infrastructure

Craig Mutton, Chief Digital Officer, Vice-President – Digital, University of Canberra

Mark Williamson, Executive General Manager, Clean Energy Regulator

Jennifer Anne, Branch Head of Gas & Liquid Fuels Division, Liquid Fuels Branch, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water

16.55 Congress photo

Close of day one. Please join us for:

17.00 Networking drinks


Day Two

09.00   Chair’s opening remarks

09.10 Combining confidence and knowledge to boost your assertiveness

  • Stepping out of your comfort zone to increase self-confidence
  • Understanding the part information plays in being assertive
  • Creating ‘thinking time’ strategies to push back the bulldozers
  • Asking open and investigative questions to support your capability

Sue Read, Psychologist, Life Unlimited

09.55 PANEL – Thriving as an ‘exceptional’ Executive Assistant

  • Fostering strong and collaborative relationships across the organisation to building trust
  • Developing underestimated soft skills to enable greater organisational involvement
  • Finding your unique selling point
  • Developing your brand to enhance your value

Amanda Davies, Executive Assistant to Assistant Commissioner, Engagement & Assurance, Australian Taxation Office

Tamryn Marek, Senior Executive Assistant to the Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Veronica Webster, Executive Assistant to Chief Digital Officer, Vice-President – Digital, University of Canberra

10.40 Morning tea

11.10 Managing your relationship with your Executive more intentionally

  • Adapting different communication styles and ways of working to create a ‘dream team’
  • Gaining awareness of your Executive’s goals and objectives and those of the organisation
  • Thinking like your Executive to anticipate their needs
  • Ensuring mutual success using effective communication.

Casey-Marie De Veau, Executive Assistant to Assistant Secretary, Transnational Crime Branch, Attorney-General’s Department

11.55 Enhancing your strategic value using Artificial Intelligence as your ally

  • Shifting your thinking to embrace a 21st century mindset to boost productivity and performance
  • Exploring the myriad of AI offerings to help you create your AI support suite
  • Humanising AI for enhanced solutions
  • Creating a personalised reference library at your fingertips
  • Keeping up as AI evolves to continuously develop your career

Mario Halouvas, CEO and Founder, Mario Halouvas Productivity Professionals

12.40 Lunch

13.40 PANEL – Managing time and tasks to effect efficiency and productivity in your day for you and your Executive

  • Developing routines to prioritise your ‘best time’ to set up your day to allow you to tackle your ‘hit list’
  • Creating and triaging a ‘master list’ using strategic thinking, forward vision, and your executive’s consideration to focus on the ‘urgent’
  • Planning, prioritising and being goal-focused to demonstrate a can-do attitude and initiative
  • Establishing open communication, questions, and corporate knowledge to know who and what is important to timely completion of any task

Lydia Milosavljevic, Executive Secretary to Deputy Secretary, Simon Duggan, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Euphemia Chiriso, Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Indian Ocean Territories, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Pippa Gargano, Senior Administration Officer, Western NSW Local Health District

Viktoria Pope, Executive Assistant, Wellington Shire Council

14.25 Conducting difficult conversations to encourage progress and growth

  • Understanding the person to adapt conversation tone
  • Providing feedback that encourages improvement
  • Planning discussions to allow flexibility of approach
  • Ensuring a satisfactory outcome for all participants

Edwina Swan,

15.10 Afternoon tea

15.40 Close of congress