Inaugural Work Design Congress – Draft Agenda


20-21 November 2024, Sydney


Integrating organisational psychology into the design of work

  • Integrating new tools and discoveries from the psychology of good work design
  • Harmonising work design strategies with existing organisational strategies
  • Engaging organisational psychology experts to improve work design
  • Leveraging psychological principles to design work better


Adapting your work design approach to new expectations and regulations

  • Transforming your work design strategy in line with new HR and safety regulations
  • Ensuring your organisation keeps pace with emerging work design innovations
  • Adjusting workflow across all business functions to promote good work design
  • Exceeding all expectations across the organisation with thoughtful work deign


Collaborating with other organisations in the implementation of work design

  • Identifying key organisations which can support effective work design
  • Ensuring external providers deliver effective and sustainable design changes
  • Designing work productively with regulators, unions, and other external stakeholders
  • Utilising resources and guidance on work design from other organisations


Embedding your work design strategy within an effective change management framework

  • Managing the typical change management pain points in work design
  • Preparing for the particular challenges for change management around work design
  • Evaluating success of change management strategies after redesigning work
  • Involving all relevant stakeholders in any work design changes


Designing engaging and rewarding jobs for your teams

  • Providing diverse and interesting tasks for workers at all levels of the business
  • Monitoring for indicators of disengagement with job tasks
  • Encouraging creative thinking to problem solving in ongoing work
  • Providing opportunities for individuals to vary their tasks and build new skills


Enabling your employees to engage in effective job crafting

  • Ensuring workers feel safe to take ownership over their tasks
  • Encouraging your teams to personalise their work environment
  • Exploring ways in which perceptions of jobs can be developed
  • Working cooperatively to design a workplace which brings out the best in each team




Updating role descriptions regularly for the changing demands of the future

  • Balancing reflexive language and clear expectations in initial job descriptions
  • Identifying when a role description must be updated to reflect new duties
  • Consulting with workers and teams to ensure responsibilities and policy is clear
  • Managing team dynamics based on role descriptions and working styles


Upskilling leaders to provide useful feedback and guidance for their teams

  • Factoring personality styles into hiring for leadership positions
  • Providing effective upskilling around work design for all leaders
  • Building a culture of effective communication and psychological safety
  • Ensuring consistent and fair performance management


Providing your workforce with a sense of ownership over their tasks

  • Delegating some level of decision-making authority to all employees
  • Rewarding initiative and engagement within task completion
  • Identifying the risks of excessive oversight on worker agency
  • Providing opportunities for team members to schedule their tasks autonomously


Implementing flexible work within the future of organisational processes

  • Establishing the level of flexibility within your diverse business units
  • Supporting all members of your workforce to self-manage their responsibilities
  • Preparing your organisation for an increasingly flexible working environment
  • Utilising flexible work arrangements to improve overall wellbeing and performance


Extending a reasonable level of autonomy to all members of your workforce

  • Identifying opportunities to support job autonomy
  • Creating a sense of ownership within inflexible work tasks
  • Encouraging a sense of shared identity between your workforce and the organisation
  • Extending trust to workers to self-manage in the increasingly flexible workplace


Promoting a cohesive and mutually supportive organisational culture

  • Identifying opportunities to provide social support to your team members
  • Engaging your teams in the internal and external significance of their tasks
  • Empowering employees to drive bottom-up team building initiatives
  • Encouraging senior leaders to engage with the rest of the business


Implementing job design changes based on feedback from your teams

  • Determining the appropriate communication style for each of your business areas
  • Collecting useful feedback without task or information overload
  • Signalling organisational openness to accommodate feedback in work design
  • Achieving enthusiastic buy-in for senior leaders on job design changes


Supporting line managers to perfect work design within their teams

  • Ensuring supervisors understand the key principles of good work design
  • Involving managers in regular discussions to improve work design in their teams
  • Extending the principles of good work design to managers themselves
  • Balancing diversity of teams with a coherent whole-of-business work design strategy


Mitigating the risk of burnout and overwork with tolerable demands

  • Identifying pain points where there is a high risk of burnout in your teams
  • Constructing a preventative strategy to manage the risk of overwork
  • Managing team workload and hours collaboratively between supervisors, leaders, and employees
  • Creating strong relationships of trust and psychological safety in the workplace
  • Moderating the emotional, psychological, and physical demands of daily work


Ensuring job demands are reasonable and are mitigated with effective support

  • Equipping direct supervisors with strategies to monitor work intensity in their teams
  • Planning reasonable time pressure and expectations for each individual
  • Providing consistent and productive instructions to employees and teams
  • Reinforcing support systems with wellbeing services and programs
  • Striking a balance between job demands and job positives


Panel Discussion:
Bridging the gaps in work design between HR, safety, OD, and other functions

  • Designing work across the differing perspectives and goals of each business function
  • Adjusting your collaborative approach to the unique features of each organisation
  • Transforming work design to support key objectives across business functions
  • Achieving senior leadership support for cross-departmental work design programs


Implementing effective work design strategies from a project management perspective

  • Assessing the advantages and weaknesses of project management in work design
  • Ensuring ongoing work design projects align with broader strategic objectives
  • Managing a team with multiple ongoing work design projects
  • Identifying business units and functions best suited to manage work design projects


Achieving senior leadership buy-in for your work design strategy

  • Communicating the importance of good work design
  • Leveraging examples of successful work design in other organisations
  • Emphasising positive impacts of good work design on productivity and wellbeing
  • Maximising the effectiveness of resource spend on work design initiatives
  • Demonstrating the success of work design strategies for ongoing leadership buy-in


Communicating your work design strategy effectively with leaders and staff

  • Explaining work design concepts accessibly in whole-of-business communications
  • Adapting your communication style based on your audience
  • Relating concepts in work design to existing strategies and practices
  • Supporting leaders to acclimate their teams around work design changes
Posted in Intrepid Minds.

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