Upcoming 9th Public Sector Executive Assistant Congress – Canberra

Details Price Qty
Two day conference only (Super saver rate $1995+GST)show details + $2,194.50 AUD*  
Two day conference + 1 workshop (Super saver rate ($2495+GST)show details + $2,744.50 AUD*  
Two day conference + both workshops (Super saver rate $2895+GST)show details + $3,184.50 AUD*  
One workshop only - (Super saver rate 650+GST)show details + $715.00 AUD*  
Both workshops only (Super saver rate $1195 + GST)show details + $1,314.50 AUD*  

* price includes taxes

  • PS Executive Assistant Congress - Canberra
     30/10/2024 - 31/10/2024
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Workshop A: Applying practical applications of AI to the Executive Assistant’s workplace
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Workshop B: Achieving results using negotiation and persuasion
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm



Due to recent developments in Victoria, we have decided to manage any risk to holding this event by moving this year’s congress to Canberra. This congress will be held at 4/5 star venue in Canberra. We have not finalised the venue details as we are currently assessing the room requirements necessary to facilitate appropriate social distancing and health recommendations when the event is held in July. A venue update will be announced very soon. 

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