Executive Assistant Congress

3rd Annual Executive Assistant Congress

21-22 November 2018, Rydges Sydney Central


The 3rd Annual Executive Assistant Congress is an incredible learning and development opportunity for executive assistants working in both private and public sectors. This extensively researched programme is specifically tailored to address the challenges that busy EAs face every day, and to provide a great networking opportunity for you to meet fellow EAs.


Our ultimate goal is to increase your productivity at work and empower you with the mindset to transform challenges into stepping stones. We have experienced EAs and experts, along with senior executives here to share their valuable insights with you. After this engaging two-day conference, you will leave with confidence and poise to take on another level of your career.


Don’t miss your chance to join our excellent line-up of speakers on these inspiring sessions:

  • Establishing the foundation for powerful and effective communication
  • Managing multiple priorities and conflicting demands
  • Improving self-confidence to shine at work
  • Creating and supporting EA networks and mentoring programs
  • Delegation and authority – Changing people’s perceptions of executive assistants
  • Tips on email and time management
  • Creating your roadmap for career progression and development
  • Effectively handle stress and strike a good work-life balance


Click here for the full agenda and discover more sessions that will inspire you!


Some outstanding feedback we received from our previous EA congresses:


“I am empowered, enthusiastic and engaged! Seriously a great conference, Everyone has said it was the best ever and not like any other they have attended. I am excited to take back to work what I have learnt and look forward to the next congress.” – Penny Hughes, Executive Assistant, Department of Defence


“I was able to rework and take away some great learning to apply back at my workplace and life.” – Shannon Brunton, Business Coordinator, NSW Trains


“Best EA conference I’ve been to!” – Lynda Beaumont, Executive Assistant, NDIA

“I really enjoyed the conference. Great presentations, terrific and interesting topics. The whole conference was very good and I will be recommending it to our learning and development division”- Leanne Cotton, Executive Assistant, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade


Don’t miss this chance to empower yourself and advance to the next level of your career.

Click here to secure your seat and register now!

Email: register@intrepidminds.com.au

Call: +61 2 9279 2608

Mail: Suite 302, 32 George St, Sydney, 2000