National Public Sector Fraud & Corruption Congress – agenda

7th annual National Public Sector Fraud & Corruption Congress

Brisbane, 26-27 July 2017



Conference day one – Wednesday 26 July


08.30 Registration
09.00 Opening remarks from the chair

International keynote address: Adopting a Robust Fraud-Risk Management Framework

  • Establishing leading practices employed by public and private entities to strategically manage fraud risk
  • Facilitating the accountability of departments and agencies with annual compliance requirements
  • Conducting risk diagnostics and mitigation techniques in response to fraud
  • Exploring the core principals of prevention, detection and response
  • Utilising the fundamental components of cultural commitment, risk assessment, strategy design, evaluation and adaptation to performance gaps

Seto Bagdoyan, Director of Audit Services, US Government Accountability Office – Forensic Audits & Investigative Service


International Case Study: Utilising the next generation of data (visual and special) analytics to combat fraud and corruption

  • Applying the latest techniques in transforming data into evidence
  • Successfully monitoring the large volumes of accounts and transactions in your department
  • Keeping up with the digital advances that accurately analyses your diverse set of records

Shagen Ganason CIA, New Zealand public servant, The Institute of Internal Auditor’s Institute Relations Committee

10.50 Morning Tea

Removing the grey on what constitutes fraud and corruption

  • Clarifying fraud and corruption to help employees better manage these issues in the workplace
  • Ensuring your staff don’t commit fraud without recognising it
  • Enabling your employees to confidently make ethical decisions
  • Protecting your organisational reputation and minimising public risk

Alan MacSporran, Chairperson, Crime and Corruption Commission


Case Study: Ensuring adequate resources in countering fraud and corruption

  • Overcoming the limited resources and efficiently using your funding for prevention programs
  • Engaging senior management commitment against fraud and corruption
  • Holding back on the ‘shortcut’ mindset that leads to breaches in policies and ultimately fraud and corruption

Jim Meyers, Director Ethics and Governance, Department of State Development Queensland

12.40 Lunch

Case Study: Combating fraud and corruption through enhanced engagement between agencies

  • Applying non-traditional strategies and policies to increase agency cooperation
  • Creating a cooperative environment to combat fraud and corruption in the public sector
  • Exploring public – private sector engagement options to meet future challenges

Commander Peter Crozier, Manager, Criminal Assets, Fraud and Anti-Corruption, Australian Federal Police


Case Study: Partnering with other government agencies to catch out combat fraud

  • Sharing information with appropriate external agencies
  • Combining respective customer databases to “fish out suspected fraud”
  • Creating an interagency environment to combat fraud and corruption in the public sector

Karl Marjoribanks, Director, Serious Non-Compliance, Department of Human Services


Afternoon Tea


Case Study: Partnering with the public and private sector to combat serious financial crime

  • Overview of AUSTRAC’s new private-public initiative to improve financial intelligence sharing
  • Overview of current projects
  • Upskilling the next generation of analysts across law enforcement, intelligence agencies and businesses
  • Where to from here

Tony Prior, Director, Supervision, Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre


Case Study: Balancing your organisation’s service delivery with fraud control

  • Ensuring a mutual understanding between public expectations and your service delivery
  • Communicating the need for governance and process compliance
  • Preventing your organisation’s public funding, grants and resources from leaking to fraudsters
  • Evaluating internal fraud control processes within your organisation

Siggy Covill, Internal Audit Manager, Redland City Council

 17.00 End of conference day one

Conference day two – Thursday 30 March 2017

9.00 Opening remarks from the chair

International address: Fighting fraud and corruption through reactive investigation, detection and prevention

  • Rising ahead of the emerging challenges of fraud and corruption
  • Tracking complex patterns of fraudulent behaviours
  • Expanding your organisation’s capacity through establishing an effective reporting mechanism
  • Raising the standards of counter-fraud practices through education on effective prevention methods

David Kleinberg, Directorate Head, Counter Fraud & Investigations Directorate (Live via Skype)


Private sector insight: Discussing the latest cyber-security threats – one of Australia’s national security priorities in government

  • Understanding the risks of cyber-attacks on your organisation
  • Securing your organisation’s online assets in today’s increasingly digital world
  • Responding to an attack in the first critical 24 hours
  • Educating your staff on cyber-security best practises and implementing controls to reduce the risk of fraud and corruption

Chris Mohan, General Manager, Security Controls & Threat Research and Intelligence, Telstra 

10.40 Morning Tea

Case Study: Conducting effective investigations through ethical, fair and complete interviewing techniques

  • Developing the basic skills and capabilities of interviewing
  • Extracting accurate information through interviewing best practices
  • Correctly applying effective interview structures and modelling

Kirk Bellotti, Queensland Law Enforcement Officer


Private Sector Case Study: Conducting effective internal investigations and properly responding to incidents

  • Training your senior managers in finding the facts in-house
  • Ensuring legal compliance and procedural fairness in internal investigations
  • Protecting the organisation from loss or harm and stopping the corrupt employee from going unpunished

Claire Shaw, Head of Anti-Fraud and Forensic Services, National Australia Bank

13.00 Lunch

Panel Discussion: Scanning the horizon of fraud risk and corruption

  • Identifying potential threats, risks, emerging issues and opportunities
  • Planning ahead and being better prepared for the challenges ahead
  • Adapting a longer-term strategic approach in your fraud control framework

Seto Bagdoyan, Director, Audit Services, US Government Accountability Office – Forensic Audits & Investigative Service

Chris Mohan, General Manager, Threat Research and Intelligence, Telstra

Karl Marjoribanks, Director, Serious Non-Compliance, Department of Human Services


“Health Scare” – detect, prevent and stamp out fraud and corruption in a large public sector health network

  •  Adopting a robust framework to address fraud and corruption in a health setting
  • Case studies that lead to organisational change to incidents of corruption and official misconduct including ‘Conflicts of Interest
  • Strengthening the organisation’s exposure to fraud and corruption with the implementation of effective controls, awareness programs and risk mitigation strategies
  • Promoting a strong reporting framework including the support of Public Interest Disclosures

Adam Fairhurst, Director, Integrity and Investigations, Metro South Health Queensland


Afternoon Tea


Case Study: To whistleblow or not to whistleblow – that is the questions

  • Obtaining senior management commitment and leadership buy in on developing a protected disclosure / whistleblower culture.
  • Highlighting the challenges faced by an Internal Auditor / Protected Disclosure Co-ordinator when in receipt of a whistleblower situation
  • How Organisations can make it easier for protected disclosures / whistleblowers to come forward
  • Understanding your rights and legal protection as a protected disclosure / whistleblower
  • International trends and Australian protected disclosure / whistleblowing development.

David Lever, Corporate Internal Auditor, City of Greater Geelong


“So you want to be a Fraudster?” A Forensic psychology map of the decisions fraudsters make on the path from law abiding employee to a prison cell

  • How do you build a case for yourself to commit fraud?
  • How do you assess an opportunity and what should you look for?
  • Why do you keep stealing even after the initial crisis is resolved?
  • How will organisations try and stop you by using work culture and security processes

Dr David Curnow, Forensic Psychologist, Private Practice

 17.00 Closing remarks from the Chair and end of conference