Managing WHS in a COVID-19 Environment agenda

Managing Workplace Health and Safety in a COVID-19 Environment Webinar Series

All presentations will be held live via Zoom webinars

Tuesday 9th & Friday 12th and Tuesday 16th & Thursday 18th June 2020

Please note all webinars run 10.00-11.00 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) or 08.00-09.00 NZST (NZ Standard Time)

Preparing your workforce for the future of remote work after COVID-19

10.00 – 11.00 am Tuesday 9th June 2020

  • Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of a remote workforce
  • Utilising technology to optimise remote productivity
  • Identifying the additional challenges for off-site workers during COVID-19
  • Preparing your workforce for the changes which follow the Coronavirus epidemic
  • Addressing conflicts and complications revealed by COVID and remote work within your team
  • Synergising lessons learned from remote work with your existing WHS and HR policy

Alexandra Allars, Executive Manager Workplace Relations and Policy, CSIRO


Mental health considerations in returning to work post lockdown

10.00 – 11.00 am  Friday 12th June 2020

  • Understanding the psychological stages of COVID-19 and variable impacts of mental health and performance  
  • Insights into the psychosocial risks in transitioning to another ‘new normal’
  • Leadership considerations for maintaining morale and supporting mental health through transition
  • Maximising the psychological health benefits of work as part of your change management strategy
  • The importance of rethinking job design to support mental health and performance in our new ways of working

David Burroughs, Principal Psychologist, Australian Psychological Services and Partner, Ethics Applied


Integrating social distancing and viral hazards into existing hazard management policy and workflow processes

10.00 -11.00 am  Tuesday 16th June 2020

  • Understanding the safety risks that COVID-19 poses to the health of your workforce
  • Identifying and protecting the most vulnerable employees to the Novel Coronavirus influenza
  • Maximising your PPE and antiviral procurement and usage during COVID-19
  • Optimising your workflow with consideration of viral hazards, within the constraints of your office space
  • Accounting for human factors and the risk of error during the coronavirus pandemic

Peter Gould, Service Manager Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Redland City Council

Implementing effective ergonomic systems during the COVID-19 pandemic

10.00 -11.00 am  Thursday 18th June 2020

  • Designing safe and healthy workstations for employees working on-site and for those working from home
  • Implementing ergonomic workplace designs to minimise the risk of injury during the pandemic
  • Synthesising ergonomic work environments with healthy physical activity and procedure
  • Tailoring your ergonomic strategy to fulfil the needs of a diverse workforce
  • Identifying strategies for providing access to ergonomic equipment for your employees

 Jordan Lees, Managing Director and Principal Consultant, The Ergonomic Physio