Friday 15 September 2023, 13.00-16.00
The foundation for a strong counter-fraud strategy is a set of mature preventative controls, but prevention does not work 100% of the time. In the instance where a potential incident of misconduct is detected, investigators must be careful to design their strategies around their ongoing organisational response.
This workshop will equip you with a variety of modern tools, rules, and practices, to ensure that you can guide both internal and external investigation functions towards future success. Led by a professional investigations expert, you will learn invaluable skills and integrate key considerations into your overall fraud and corruption control strategy. This workshop is an unmissable opportunity, both for investigators and other integrity, governance, and audit professionals, and will provide crucial insights on a variety of investigatory principles, such as:
- Responding swiftly in your investigation functions at the detection of a critical fraud incident.
- Structuring investigations consistent with organisational policy and intended outcomes.
- Gathering evidence and data which can be used effectively in ongoing response
- Navigating considerations of privacy and admissibility in factfinding processes
- Conducting interviews effectively and lawfully.
- Storing evidence securely to prevent unintentional or malicious contamination or destruction.
- Utilising technology in the structure and practice of investigations.
- Factoring potential for asset recovery into investigatory conduct.
Don’t miss this chance to ensure a consistent and effective investigation function in your organisation!
Katherine Shamai, Partner, Grant Thorton
Katherine works closely with C-suite and Boards, advising them on matters relating to financial crime, compliance and good governance, to ensure they have relevant frameworks in place and reduce the level of risk they are exposed to. She brings a combination of industry and professional services experience, allowing her to give practical and pragmatic advice and recommendations tailored to suit the unique operating environment of each client. Recently, her engagements have included providing recommendations to strengthen control weaknesses identified, drafting risk assessment policies and procedures, and undertaking forensic investigations.
Katherine has worked with federal, state and local government agencies and departments, Not for Profits, ASX listed companies and private companies – in particular in the Financial Services, Gaming, Disability Support Services, and Education industries. As a well-respected and trusted risk and financial crime expert, she was appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board of both Fraud Magazine (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) and Internal Auditor Magazine (Institute of Internal Auditors (US)), and is the President of the Melbourne Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.