Risk Management in Government Online Congress

6th annual Risk Management in Government Congress

Online, 24-25 March 2021



Conference day one – Wednesday 24 March 2021

08.30 Registration
09.00 Opening remarks from the chair

International keynote: Improving risk management across the UK government – the ‘What’ and the ‘How’

  • Understand how the UK government principles and concepts for the management of risk (the Orange Book) have changed and what the drivers were
  • A walk-through of the focus and key principles of the revised standards – what areas were identified for improvement and why
  • How we are building a better risk management culture in and across UK government departments – An examination of the practical steps being taken to bridge the gap between where we are now and where we want to be
  • An open discussion around the UK approach – are the themes and challenges identified the same as those in the Australian and New Zealand governments, and, if not, why and how do they differ?

Trevor Marchant, Chair of the UK Cross-Government Risk Improvement Group and Departmental Risk Lead, Department for Transport UK


International keynote: NASA’s Risk Management System

  • NASA’s Risk Management paradigm used to identify, analyze, track and control 
  • Risk processes, tools and systems deployed within the whole enterprise and integrated with other management processes
  • Specific lessons learned from developing and implementing risk management within NASA programs
  • Case studies of significant NASA risks

Dr. Jeevan Perera, Senior Engineer, NASA

10.40 Morning Tea

Practical ways to build a positive risk culture

  • Engaging your organisation to raise awareness about key risks
  • Conducting staff training on what risk is and the risk “language”
  • Strengthening employee capability to take ownership of risk management
  • Allocating resources to implement risk management plans
  • Lifting risk culture with top-down and bottom-up approaches

Kylie McKiernan, Chief Risk Officer & COVID Coordinator, Macquarie University


Case study: Defining risk outcomes for benefits realisation – when is the glass half full!

  • Evaluating effectiveness of an organisation’s approach to risk management
  • Understanding maturity of the risk management framework
  • Communicating the value that risk function brings to your organisation
  • Exploring opportunities to get more positive outcomes

Brendan Geary, Executive General Manager Corporate Planning and Risk, V/Line Corporation

12.40 Lunch

When risk management goes wrong

  • Case Studies of when Risk Management fails
  • Examining the common lessons from mistakes
  • Why simple solutions can be difficult to maintain
  • Is your organisation big talk, big walk or both?

Gavin Dyche, Manager Risk and Safety, Yarra City Council


Implementing effective strategies in response to the covid-19 pandemic

  • Dealing with unique challenges brought by the pandemic
  • Exploring strategic choices for pandemic responses
  • Tracking effectiveness of risk mitigation in a dynamic environment
  • Considering risk now and into the future

Peter Pierre, Chief Audit and Risk Officer, Department of Health VIC


Afternoon Tea


Panel discussion: Improving the use of data analytics to develop risk management   capability

  • Using data analytics to diagnose red flags and identify emerging risk factors
  • Collecting data to make better decisions on specific risks
  • Applying data analytics in risk reporting
  • Exploring opportunities in machine learning 

Peter Pierre, Chief Audit and Risk Officer, Department of Health and Human Services VIC

Kylie McKiernan, Chief Risk Officer & COVID Coordinator, Macquarie University

Marcus Turner, Chief Risk Officer, Gifted Risk Solutions


Is safety outdated?

  • Evolution of risk management systems
  • Pathways to make big dents in incident records
  • Addressing psychological safety, we need to talk!

Louise Dubois, Director Safety and Recovery Unit, Ambulance NSW

 17.00 End of conference day one and networking drinks

Conference day two – Thursday 25 March 2021

9.00 Opening remarks from the chair

International keynote: Risks to benefits realisation in UK government projects

  • Risk managers tend to concentrate on cost and time from the project “cost-time-quality” triangle
  • The UK government’s 5-part business case model allows the identification of more “quality” risks
  • Understanding how projects create benefits and value can allow risk managers to challenge assumptions
  • Treating a project’s development phase as a mini-project in it’s own right will enable the sought for “left shift” in risk management and value creation

Dr. David Worsley, Head of Rail Specification & Delivery, Transport for the North


Obtaining executive buy-in and support to implement risk strategies

  • Building awareness, ability and reinforcement for risk management with senior executives
  • Sending messages to upper management in terms of short and long-term risks
  • Adding value to senior executives’ decision-making processes
  • Making executives accountable and setting tone from the top

Rupert Haywood, Managing Director, Corporate Services and CRO, Queensland Treasury Corporation

10.40 Morning Tea

Case study: Risk appetite and organisational culture – where do they meet?

  • Developing a risk appetite statement in a complex government department
  • Considering a broader system of service delivery entities with their own Governance Board
  • Discussing the definition of risk appetite and its defined tolerance levels
  • Reshaping the culture of the department

Coenraad Robberts, Group Director, Risk & Assurance Services, Department for Health and Wellbeing SA


Reducing cyber security risks and building stronger cyber defence

  • The ACSC’s insights into Government’s cyber security maturity
  • The complex cyber security challenges faced by Government in the cyberspace
  • Cyber security compliance versus cyber security risk management
  • The support available to Government to protect citizens and their data

Assistant Director – Joint Cyber Security Centre (Sydney), Australian Cyber Security Centre




Measuring performance of risk management programs

  • Strategies and indicators to innovate processes
  • Monitoring risk practices throughout the organisation
  • Engaging managers to evaluate risks and controls in their own areas
  • Implementing evaluation systems to improve enterprise-wide risk management
  • Providing feedback to senior executives to continuously improve the risk controls framework

Mike van de Graaf, General Manager, Risk & Performance Measurement, Treasury Corporation of Victoria


Panel discussion: Rethinking your risk management strategies in a post-pandemic world

  • Understanding new and upcoming risks addressing post-pandemic uncertainty
  • Monitoring emerging risks and developing resiliency plans
  • Considering workplace health and safety risks in your risk management framework
  • Rethinking your role as a risk manager
  • Communicating with senior executives clearly and transparently

Peter Pierre, Chief Audit and Risk Officer, Department of Health VIC

Coenraad Robberts, Group Director, Risk & Assurance Services, Department for Health and Wellbeing SA

Rupert Haywood, Managing Director, Corporate Services and CRO, Queensland Treasury Corporation

Gavin Dyche, Manager Risk and Safety, Yarra City Council

15.10 Afternoon tea

Conducting effective risk assessment and analysis

  • Managing uncertainty and the balancing act between minimising threats while pursuing opportunities through ‘informed decision making’
  • Evaluating existing and potential risks and causal factors
  • Using effective electronic systems to facilitate risk assessment
  • Taking appropriate actions and considering internal and external factors

Marcus Turner, Chief Risk Officer, Gifted Risk Solutions


Integrating climate change impacts into risk management

  • Unconscious blinkers
  • Non linear relationships
  • Dealing with two stages of uncertainty
  • Complexity and confusion

Dr Stephen Grey, Associate Director, Broadleaf

 16.50 Closing remarks from the Chair and end of conference