NZ agenda

Wellington – 19-20 September 2018



Conference day one – Wednesday 19 September


08.30 Registration
09.00 Opening remarks from the chair

Improving self-confidence to shine at work

  • Dealing with the label of “you are just an EA”
  • Gaining support from your executive on delegation of authority
  • Improving confidence when working with other executives on behalf of your boss
  • Stretching your comfort zone to expand your role and take more responsibilities
  • Getting involved in organisational events

Waveney Parkinson, EA to the Mayor, Wellington City Council


Panel discussion: Managing multiple priorities and conflicting demands

  • Determining top priorities and balancing priorities
  • Responding to unexpected change in schedules
  • Planning ahead and giving enough notice
  • Negotiating on behalf of your executives

Christine Kavanagh, Private Secretary to Hon Phil Twyford, Minister of Transport and Housing and Urban Development

Catherine McKerras, EA to Group Manager – Technology, Customer & Community Services, Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Judi Whitcher, Executive Assistant to General Manager, Institute of Environmental Science and Research

Cristina Victor, PA to EEOC & Team Coordinator, New Zealand Human Rights Commission

10.45 Morning Tea

Delegation and authority – Changing people’s perceptions of executive assistants

  • Dealing with the label of “you are just an EA”
  • Gaining support from your executive on delegation of authority
  • Improving confidence when working with other executives on behalf of your boss
  • Stretching your comfort zone to expand your role and take more responsibilities
  • Getting involved in organisational events

Catherine McKerras, EA to Group Manager – Technology, Customer & Community Services, Western Bay of Plenty District Council


Leading without positional authority – building effective leadership skills



  • Building a positive and can-do attitude
  • Leading and managing the office during stressful situations
  • Exploring effective approaches to managing up
  • Supporting and inspiring others

Kevin Heppleston, Executive Coach, Ascendency – Business and Personal Mastery

12.45 Lunch

Panel discussion: Building strategic partnership with your executive and collaborative relationships with other officers in your organisation

  • Understanding how your organisation works
  • Building trusted working relationships with other executives and officers
  • Managing changing demands and effectively prioritising meetings and tasks
  • Applying the art of saying “no” when necessary

Victoria Court, Executive Assistant to Commercial Director, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Jolene Phillips, Executive Assistant to Chief Executive, Institute of Environmental Science and Research

Suzanne Madsen, Executive Administrator, New Zealand Transport Agency


Managing stress:  Why Mindset Matters

  • Understanding the causes and triggers of stress
  • Recognise 4 key mindsets that can keep you stuck in the “stress zone” and block you from effectively handling pressure
  • Be equipped with practical strategies for managing unhelpful stress-related mindsets to enable high-performance at work and greater relaxation at home

Dr Bex Hemmingson, Coach and Consultant, Remix Coaching and Consulting


Afternoon Tea


Panel Discussion: Creating your roadmap for career progression and development

  • Discovering skill sets needed to move within the public sector
  • Looking for career options outsides of EA role – where to from here?
  • Creating a development plan and building skill sets
  • Discussing the professional EA career path

Nikki DuFresne, Business Service Manager, Wellington City Council

Rebeka Adamson, Regional Administration Officer, New Zealand public department

Vanessa Franks, Executive Assistant to General Manager Corporate Services, New Zealand Transport Agency

Kirsten Campbell, Manager – Office of the CE and Board, Callaghan Innovation


Making the most of networking opportunities

  • Understanding the business case for effective networking
  • What are the social networking opportunities I should go?
  • Meeting EAs within and out of your organisation
  • Tips and advice for networking
  • Using networking to your professional advantage

Phillippa Plunkett, Personal Assistant to Group Manager, Corporate Risk and Assurance, Inland Revenue

17.00 Closing remarks from the Chair and of conference day one
 17.10 Networking drinks reception – take advantage of this exciting opportunity to put your newly learned networking skills to practice


Conference day two – Thursday 20 September 2018

9.00 Opening remarks from the chair

Panel discussion: Advice from the top – what are your senior executives expecting?

  • Building a strategic partnership with your executive
  • Setting and managing expectations
  • Discovering skills that your boss values the most in the executive assistant profession
  • Using effective communication to give your EA feedback

Shagen Ganason, Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management, Ministry for Maori Development

Jan Thomas, Vice Chancellor, Massey University

Esther Livingston, General Manager People and Capability, Callaghan Innovation


Applying powerful communication strategies and skills

  • Understanding why people misunderstand
  • Taking small steps to feeling more powerful when communicating
  • Building confidence and credibility in communication
  • Enhancing communication via a 3-step process

Pallas Hupé Cotter, Founder and Director, POP

10.40 Morning Tea

Workwise Outlook Efficiency

  • Principles of efficient email management
  • Ideas for managing the flow of incoming information
  • Performance boosting ideas – best Outlook tips and shortcuts
  • Streamline your work flow

Jane Feek, Director, The Workwise Group


Panel discussion: Creating and supporting EA networks and mentoring programs

  • Building effective mentor and mentee programs
  • Identifying specific areas requiring development
  • Building a constructive mentor mentee relationship for mutual benefit
  • Establishing an EA networking group and a mentoring program in your organisation

Brigid Kavanagh-Dee, Executive Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, Massey University

Vanessa Franks, Executive Assistant to General Manager Corporate Services, New Zealand Transport Agency

Rebeka Adamson, Regional Administration Officer, New Zealand public department

12.40 Lunch

Embracing change in a positive and supportive way

  • Getting mentally prepared for constant change in the public sector
  • Discovering the benefits of change and supporting change in your organisation
  • Sharing the ownership of change with your colleagues
  • Supporting your executive during change and under conditions of uncertainty
  • Using change as an opportunity to learn new professional skills

Mary Beth Robles, Managing Director, Collective Intelligence New Zealand


Mentor and mentee – effective mentoring and coaching

  • Seizing career mentoring opportunities for senior EAs
  • Building a strong mentor and mentee relationship
  • The art of mentoring for a mutual beneficial relationship

Speaker to be confirmed


Closing remarks from the chair and end of conference