Conference agenda

Conference Day One – Wednesday 9 September

8.30 Registration
9.00 Opening remarks from the chair
9.10 International Keynote Address: Breaking away from the routine of how change is delivered and investing in a more sustainable approach requires us to think differently about our work
• How do we change management thinking to implement successful change and improvement?
• What are the five tests that ensure your CI practice is meaningful?
• Examples from the UK public sector where we have made a difference to management thinking, behaviours and outcomes
Rhian Hamer, Head of Service Transformation, Department of Justice, UK 
9.55 Getting value right – are we doing enough?
• Establishing a framework to measure value
• Core and cluster values
• Defining how to interpret results
Roger Ward, Portfolio Category Manager, Roads & Maritime Service NSW 


10.40 Morning Coffee
11.10 Case study: Where are we now? Where do we want to go? An approach to make continuous improvement a key component of the organisation
• Understanding key drivers
• Helping people believe
• Engaging all levels
• Using a mixed methodology to implement change
Lee Harris, Business Improvement Project Manager, City of Canterbury 


11.55 Case Study: Australian Federal Police: Our lean journey
• Achievements across the Finance and Commercial Division
• Promoting the concept
• Challenges and lessons learnt
Richard Roberts, Coordinator Business Improvement Finance & Commercial, Australian Federal Police 
12.40 Lunch
13.40 Achieving everyday excellence through people and leadership using the philosophy of business excellence to improve performance
• Using business excellence to drive leadership and enable people
• Influencing change at all levels of organisation
• Understanding what we do so we know what we need to improve
Matthew Stewart, General Manager, Bankstown City Council 
14.25 Fostering skill innovation & improvement in the workplace
• Altering perspectives to establish new ideas
• Changing the culture of employees towards innovation – encourage sharing
• Outlining benefits of innovation
Dr David Ireland, General Manager International and Innovation Systems, CSIRO 
15.10 Afternoon tea
15.50 Case study: Developing a Shared Service through a Partnership Model – the CASS experience
• Operating as a Joint Venture to improve buy in and balanced decision making
• Vertical integration to enable functional strategy implementation
• Finding the balance between stakeholder alignment and the drive for standardisation
Alastair MacKay, Director CASS, New Zealand Treasury 
16.20 Leading and engaging staff beyond continuous improvement towards a new business model
• Making the case for change
• Gaining staff buy-in
• If you don’t try at anything, you can’t fail
• Making personal change part of the agenda
Phil d’Adamo, Director Service & Support, Department of Justice and Regulation VIC 
17.10 End of conference day one

Conference Day Two – Thursday 10 September

9.00 Opening remarks from the chair
9.10 Case study: Defence Finance Shared Services Reshaping departmental teams to improve effectiveness, efficiency and cut costs
• The streamlining process – establishing the factors that need to be considered
• Planning a timeframe to implement reshaping
• During & post reshaping – what areas need monitoring
David Spouse, First Assistant Secretary Financial Services, Department of Defence 
9.55 Case study: Establishing a link between front line staff and executive management in order to deliver change
  • Understanding front line staff are the enablers of change
  • Ensuring executive management look beyond the figures on a spreadsheet and understand the process of change implementation
  • Coming together: GM’s that work in project teams with front line staff
Allan Cumming, GM Quality Improvement, Southern District Health Board, NZ 
10.40 Morning tea
11.10 Case study: Analysing where cutbacks can be made at a time when funding is being withdrawn
• Productivity savings that can be made through transparency of data
• How managers can have smaller margins of error if they can see the current data
• How to use Business Excellence to achieve these
• Should the community be able to see how their money is being spent
Malcolm Ryan, Deputy General Manager Environment, Warringah Council NSW 
11.55 Running Shared like a business/shared service collaboration formula
• Establishing coordination parameters to foster levels of communication
• Defining measurable goals and selecting teams
• Development of aims and objectives
• Continuous communication throughout the project
Mirijana Jovic, General Manager Customer Operations, Australia Post 
13.00 Lunch
14.00 The Australian Public Service Employee Engagement Model
• The link between employee engagement and organisational productivity
• Investigating the core elements that determine an employee’s relationship to work
• Expanding on the middle ground between workforce drivers and workforce outcomes
Tony Cotton, Director Human Capital Research & Analysis, Australian Public Service Commission 
14.40 Interpreting workplace reluctance to continuous improvement
• Addressing the culture of employee thinking – does it really mean winning or losing
• Understanding staff reluctance to continuous improvement
• Evaluating previous approaches that have been implemented and learning what worked and what didn’t
• Advising staff on blueprint and management thinking
Judith Himstedt, Acting Director Organisational Services, Mackay Regional Council 
15.20 Afternoon Tea
15.40 Panel Discussion How to keep momentum going in a lean organisation
• At what stages of a lean project/initiative should leaders communicate overall business gains to staff members?
• Are increased training sessions the answer to sustaining a lean organisation?
• How to motivate employees once a lean project/initiative is finished?
Rhian Hamer, Head of Service Transformation, Department of Justice UKAllan Cumming, General Manager Quality Improvement, NA Health BoardMalcolm Ryan, Deputy General Manager Environment, Warringah Council

Richard Roberts, Coordinator Business Improvement Finance & Commercial, Australian Federal Police


16.20 Case study: Using digital mediums to increase public sector impact/value with stakeholders
• Breaking away from the norms of ICT service delivery…looking for opportunities
• Gaining the understanding of decision makers in order to implement digital projects
• A cost effective way of promoting and informing of the services that councils/agencies offer
James Kliemt, Senior Digital Media Officer, Queensland Police 
17.00 Closing remarks from the chair and end of conference

Click here to get information on our exciting post conference workshop on Continuous Improvement in the Public Sector – From Capability to Practice

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