Risk Management in Government Congress

Embracing strategic, effective and efficient risk management in government

24-25 February 2016, Rydges Sydney Central

 With the ever changing public sector environment, risk has become a prominent factor within government departments and agencies. Identification of potential risks is key to ongoing development, cost saving and objective meeting.

The Risk Management Congress will bring together international, federal, state and local speakers to provide workable examples of how their respective government department have developed risk strategies to assist in business continuity.

Incorporating key topic areas on:

  • Successfully implementing a risk culture
  • Setting out an organisational resilience framework for risk
  • Identifying and mitigating cyber security risks
  • Planning for unexpected and systemic risk
  • Developing an agile risk programme

International keynote addresses:

Trevor Llanwarne, Former Government Actuary, Government Actuary Department, UK

Sanjeev Marwaha MIRM, CMIIA, Risk and Value Manager, Infrastructure Projects, Network Rail UK (live via skype)

Exclusive private sector case studies:

Muir Watson, Chief Risk Officer Enterprise Risk & Clinical Governance, Medibank

Jason Brown, National Security Director Australia & New Zealand, Thales

An expert speaking panel:

Paul wood, Chief Financial Officer, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade

Darryl Newton, Chief Risk Officer, Australia Post

Mina Podbereski, Senior Consultant, WHS & Change

Grant Whitehorn, Chief Risk and Safety Officer, NSW Ambulance

Peter Fitzgerald, Deputy Secretary Risk review & Evaluation, Department of Health & Human Services VIC

Peter Gervasoni, Senior Risk Partner Financial & Corporate Services, Transport Accident Commission

Vera Falal, Director Customer Service & Corporate Governance, Healthshare NSW

Matt Riley, Director Climate & Atmospheric Science, Office of Environment & Heritage NSW

Amanda Collins, Safety and Wellness Services Manager, Hornsbyshire Council

Will Gwosdz, Coordinator Governance & Risk, Indigo Shire Council

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