Final agenda


3rd Annual Digital Service Delivery in Government Congress

16-17 March 2016 Melbourne * The Royce Hotel Melbourne

Royce Hotel 379 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, VIC 3004 Telephone: 1800 820 909

Conference Day 1 | 16 March 2016


08.30   Registration & morning coffee


09.00   Opening remarks from the chair


09.10 NHS England Digital Journey Opportunities from integrated digital care records are a prerequisite for integrated care

Beverley Bryant, Director of Strategic Systems and Technology, NHS England (Live via Skype)

09.50   Case study: Service delivery through collaboration for whole of government solutions for digital service delivery

Sharyn Clarkson, Assistant Secretary, Online Services Branch, Department of Finance

10.30   Morning tea

11.00  Case study: Developing and implementing a whole-of-business approach to transforming culture

Tony Krizan FCPA, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director Corporate Operations & Information,         National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

11.40  Change Leadership: Preparing your organisation for a major IT system change

Michael Clark, Executive Director Technology & Innovation Corporate Group, Fair Work Ombudsman

12.20   Lunch

13.20  Case Study: ATO Service delivery Innovation for the Business Customer

Michelle Crosby, Deputy Commissioner Customer Service & Solutions, Australian Taxation Office

2.00 Case study: NSW electronic voting initiative iVote

Ian Brightwell, Director IT and CIO, NSW Electoral Commission

2.40     Private Sector Insight: Using customer experience at IAG to be more responsive

Scott Gunther, Customer & Partner Experience, IAG Commercial

15.20   Afternoon tea

15.50   User Experience

Speaker to be advised

16.30   End of Conference Day


Organiser: Intrepid Minds

Mobile: Amanda Liversage 0402 436 508

Conference Chair: Aaron Gay

Conference Day 2 | 17 March 2016

09.00   Opening remarks from the chair

09.10   International Keynote Address

Uuno Vallner, e-Governance Academy & Former Director eGovernment, Government of Estonia (Live via Skype)

09.55   International Keynote Address NZ

Karl McDiarmid, General Manager, Service Innovation, Department of Internal Affairs  (Live via Skype)

10.40   Morning tea

11.10   Case study: Connecting a remote workforce at Parks Victoria

Jennifer Reberio, Chief Information Officer, Parks Victoria

11.55   Insights on Lean Management

Andy Kelsall, Complete Lean Solutions

12.40   Lunch

13.40  Discussion Making Council Easy to deal with

Jennifer Bednar, Manager Corporate Affairs, Yarra Ranges Council

Brad Wynter, Manager Organisation Improvement, City of Whittlesea

14.20 Making Council Easy to deal with – innovation in service delivery

Jennifer Bednar, Manager Corporate Affairs, Yarra Ranges Council

15.00   Afternoon tea

15.30   What the new digital leadership competencies mean for you 

Michelle Narracott, Global Services Senior Executive, Fuji Xero Digital Government 

16.45   Closing remarks from the Chair and end of conference