Day One – Wednesday 26th October 2022
8.30 Registration
9.00 Welcome
9.10 Technology case studies: Remote access, cloud storage and emerging risks
- Understanding NASA’s Risk Management approach incorporates emerging risks with technology.
- Identifying processes, tools and system deployed
- Reflecting on lessons learned from developing new programs
- Sharing case studies of significant NASA risks
Dr Jeevan Perera, Senior Engineer, NASA (USA)
9.55 Lessons from the pandemic: How did risk management pivot and evolve?
- What were the challenges in solving for an ongoing problem?
- How do you continue a risk tolerant culture in a lockdown environment?
- Which processes suffered the most over the past two years?
- Where are we now and which lessons and adaptations are permanent?
Tom McLeod, Former Chief Audit and Risk Officer, RMIT University
10.40 Morning tea
11.10 Risk indicators: Insightful vigilance through prioritisation
- Filtering through the myriad of emerging and existing risks to isolate the essential information
- Selecting the risks that have the most influence on your operation
- Embedding knowledge of the risks that will be tolerated, encouraged and combatted and why
- Revisiting the framing and assumptions to remain relevant over time
Catherine de Fontenay, Commissioner, Productivity Commission
11.55 Executive buy-in: How to win allies and influence people
- Researching your case to enlist management support for key changes
- Framing the changes so they are embraced rather than ignored
- Simplifying concepts, removing jargon and making ideas relevant
- Ensuring communication is tailored, engaging and influential
Dannya Hu, Chief Risk Officer, Defence Housing Australia
12.40 Lunch
1.40 Interactive Case Study: Columbia Shuttle Accident
- What are the risk mitigation lessons from this sad event?
- How do crisis management techniques help mitigate worst case scenarios?
- Where should key learnings on ethical considerations be drawn?
- Analysing the implications for risk management across all levels of Australian government.
Dr Jeevan Perera, Senior Engineer, NASA (USA)
3.05 Afternoon Tea
3.35 Resilience: Organisational change in unprecedented times
- Reflecting on the impact of the recent events in the last 24 months
- Analysing traditional business continuity planning
- Debating the relationship between agency business resilience and community resilience
- Discussing the role of government in shaping resilience across the community
Marcus Turner, Chief Risk Officer, Gifted Risk Solutions
4.20 The next black swan: Preparing for unknowns
- Analysing the lessons from the past two years
- Selecting areas to think about that might pose the next disrupting risk
- Debating the extent to which unknowns can be prepared for
- Evaluating the next steps to take as you return to your organisations
Marcus Turner, Chief Risk Officer, Gifted Risk Solutions
Dannya Hu, Chief Risk Officer, Defence Housing Australia
Jamie Blanchard, Manager, Governance, City of Stirling
5.05 End of Day One
Day Two – Thursday 27th October 2022
9.00 Welcome
9.05 Reporting in focus: Enhancing vigilance through innovations
- Identifying the new technologies and techniques available within risk reporting
- Mapping your organisational needs across to the best-in-class processes
- Implementing new techniques and rolling out training
- Embracing the range of new insights and decision-making improvements
Alex Dunn, Former Head of Risk, Office for National Statistics (UK)
9.50 Cybersecurity and risk – understanding the human factors to protect your organisation
- Capturing the ongoing change within the digital environment
- Training your workforce in effective cybersecurity hygiene practices
- Understanding the human aspects of cybersecurity in a wfh environment
- Analysing the interaction of the human and the technical aspects with insider threats
Monica Whitty, Professor & Head of Department – Software Systems and Cybersecurity, Monash University
10.35 Morning tea
11.05 Incorporating Risk Management into Project Management
- Capturing the right approach for communication and consultation
- Recognising the importance of good context statements
- Discussing the key project risks for your organisation
- Engaging with stakeholders to determine risk appetite and strategy
James Ayliffe, Director, Wellesley Risk Group
11.50 Fraud Risk Management: Better Practice Case Study
- Identifying the risks of legacy processes
- Calibrating the changes needed and how best to communicate them
- Designing a clear risk management approach to mitigate fraud risks
- Encouraging broader adoption of best practice across a number of government organisations
Carl Huxtable, Forensic Audit, Office of the Auditor General WA
12.35 Lunch
1.35 Strategic risk within business planning: Risk at the forefront
- Identifying the spectrum of risk for your organisation
- Building risk mitigation strategies for each area
- Embedding risk mitigation within the business planning process
- Reviewing the process to engage in continuous improvement
Jamie Blanchard, Manager, Governance, City of Stirling
2.20 Risk culture: Embedding robust understanding across an organisation
- Assessing lessons from history on risk management in government
- Capturing the art of keeping it simple
- Understanding culture using the Fogg Behavior Model
- Evaluating the case study of APRA’s 10 Dimensions
Dennis Clark, Chief Executive Officer, Clark Corporate Consulting
3.05 Afternoon Tea
3.35 Whistleblowing case study
- Analysing the challenges do whistle-blowers face in coming forward
- Capturing the current case study and what its like to live through
- Discussing the implications for other public sector bodies
- Predicting the level of change in the decade to come
Troy Stolz, ClubsNSW Whistleblower
4.30 Closing remarks and conference end