4th Psychological Injury Management in the Workplace Congress
Managing psychological injuries through a strong focus on the individual
23-24 May 2017, Rydges Sydney Central
As increasing numbers of costly psychological injuries are reported in the workplace, organisations are rethinking their Workplace Health and Safety and Injury Management programs to account for psychological injuries. With an emphasis on skilling up leaders, normalising mental health and the importance of collaborating with employees as they return to work, this conference will explore advanced practical strategies in response to the growing trend of workplace claims lodged for psychological injuries.
In its fourth year, the Psychological Injury Management in the Workplace congress will continue to provide key workplace strategies that maintain psychological health at both individual and organisational levels. Delegates will hear from senior level experts from industries with a high rate of psychological injuries that will share their experiences and effective practices including:
- Preparing your leaders with the tools to effectively manage psychological wellbeing
- Normalising discussions on psychological health and asking the right questions
- Working with the individual as a partner and not a subject in recovery
- Setting the treatment modality of return to work
- Preparing employees for change and leading them through times of organisational restructure
- Building a respectful culture and eliminating bullying in the workplace
Hear from a diverse speaking panel with current confirmed speakers including:
Carlene York, Assistant Commissioner, NSW Police
Jane Hayter, Rehabilitation Manager North Queensland, Department of Defence
Geraldine King, Manager of Workplace, Safety and Wellbeing, Citibank
Andrew McGarity, Manager of Injury Management, Fire & Rescue NSW
Peter Prasad, National Manager of Health Services, Qantas
Daniel Palmer, Manager of Health and Wellbeing, NSW Department of Education
Paul McFarlane, Senior Chaplain, NSW Ambulance
Louise Ashelford, Director of Healthy Workplace Strategies, NSW Ambulance
Nea Saunders, National Injury Manager, TNT Australia
Todd Wehr, Executive Manager Staff Support Service, Queensland Ambulance
Emma Blee, Head of Enterprise Safety & Tonya Scibilia, Executive Manager of Letters and Mail Network, Australia Post
Deborah Cybula, Safety Manager, SBS
Alex Tejeda, Senior Injury Management Advisor, Fairfax Media
Rob Kosova, Executive General Manager of Safety, Programmed
Samantha Ferguson-Smith, Acting Assistant Manager – Safety, Health, Environment & Quality, Defence Housing Australia
Jacqueline Bloink, Workplace Wellbeing Program Manager, St Vincent’s Melbourne
Lana Hogno, Manager Workplace Health and Safety & Sanette Allen, Psychologist and Employee Assistance Program Manager, North Sydney Local Health District
Click here to get the full agenda and access the tools for a psychologically healthy workplace!
Click here to register now or;
Email: register@intrepidminds.com.au
Call: +61 2 9279 2608
Mail: Suite 302, 32 York St, Sydney, 2000